Wednesday, November 28, 2007

holidays (part 2)

Still in Sacramento! Here is the Governor's Mansion, in other words : Swarzy's Sacramento house. Of course he doesn't live here, it's more a guest / office place where he has official meetings...etc
A big cigar in his Swarzy office, some books about how to fight terrorism, some pictures with Bush&him ...etc Pictures from inside not allowed!

Here is the white house.... just kidding, it's the Capitol, another government building (too late to visit)

Here comes the Mount Diablo pictures (from thursday)
How creepy!
Top of the Mountain: A little museum (geology and wildlife) !!! Original, it looks like a lighthouse.

Back to Sacramento with a steam locomotive, enjoy the video!

Thanks-giving=holidays (part 1)

Hello everybody, last week i got 2 free days, thanks to thx-giving. It 's part of US traditions. For diner we ate a huge turkey (that leaves you asleep once you're done).
so what did i do...:
Thursday : Hike to mount Diablo!!! (pictures will come on next post)
Friday : Visit of Sacramento, the capital city of California State
Here we are!

Since Sacramento is not a little city I just visit the ''Old Sac". It is located in downtown. A quite nice place were you can walk... Here you can see a special horse-vehicle. We went with 2 co-workers to the Railroad museum. An interesting trip into the past...(nostalgia also ... look at this LEGO city)
We also had a "ride" in a steam train from begin of the 20th century.
After we walk a bit around:

Some "Far West" Riders!

The Sacramento River, not the Mississipi has you may think

Monday, November 19, 2007

bom dia gente

Hello everybody, a couple weeks passed since the last post...but nothing new over here...
Worse! my car is getting older and older... but lucky me, it's still working.
Last Saturday i went to Bearcreek, between los Gatos and Santa Cruz, for a paint-ball session. From 10 to 15h30, running, crawling, jumping, shooting... capturing the flag... and Aie Aie Aie Bullet hurts. There were a lot of people to ply with, it was really fun. Unfortunately no picture of the battle field... too dangerous and too sticky.
Yesterday, I climbed Mission peak again, and here are some pictures:

I wonder what bird it was, so huge!

Here is what you find on the top, some spike on a woodstock.

And the panorama.

I'll finish with a star: here is Nelly Furtado. An amazing coincidence!! I went to the birthday of a brasilian guy and she was there singing and taking pictures...